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Saturday, 17 December 2011

How To Enable Or Disable Network Discovery In Windows 7


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Network Discovery option allows you to configure your computer so that you can make your computer visible or invisible in network. When Network Discovery option is turned ON in your PC, other users in your network can find your computer. To configure this option, proceed with the following steps:

1. Click Start –> Control Panel
2. Make sure the “View by:” is set to “Large icons” or “Small icons”. Click on “Network and Sharing Center”. option.

3. In the left pane of the Network and Sharing Center”, “Change advanced sharing settings”. option.

4. Expand “Home or Work” section by clicking on the drop down arrow as shown in the screen shot below.

5. Check the radio button “ Turn on network discovery”.

6. Click “Save Changes” button.
That’s it. Your PC will now be visible in Network.
At any point of time, if you wish to hide your PC in network, check the option”Turn off network discovery” and click “Save changes” button.


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