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Tuesday 7 June 2011

Ubuntu 10.04 Installation Guide


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This cd is used as both  Live CD  and Installation CD

Put the Ubuntu CD to The Drive and Restart the System

Change the Boot Device Priority to the CD Drive

Save the BIOS Setting Then System is Locate the Boot Image From Ubuntu CD & Start to Boot

Ubuntu Starting Screen

First Screen Need a User Input, Select Install Ubuntu

Welcome Screen, Language select to English

 This is the PARTITION window

Working carefully
Otherwise the data & Other Operating Systems are will lose

The Above Window  shows Having a operating System Windows 2000 in NFTS File System

We are install  the Ubuntu as a Secondary Operating System

Select the Choice Specify Partitions Manually

First Screen For Manual Partition

Here  11.94 GB  is the  Default  Free space
First We can Allot Swap Area & Other Space Used For Othe Other partition

The Screen Showing Swap Area having 1024 MB

Selected Formated as a swap Area;  We can Use  Swap Area in Us as Option

The screen is After Alloting Swap Area

Again Select Free Space, & Add Partition

Again the Window For Creating new partition,

Here is showing the Maximum Available Free Space

After Creating Swap partition, Remaining All Space we Used as Linux installations space,
So We select the Default Value


We can customize the partitions, So  Having  3 Steps

  1. Select the Partition Size

  1. Us as-   Here Select Ext4/Ext3 (This is the file system For the Linux,Such Like NTFS , FAT in Windows)

  1. Mount point- This is Select Root(/)

Press OK
Then Shows a Disk Layout Display
Cofirm All   Again then Select Forward Button

Forward with User Informarion,password, System Name

Start Installation, Then Reboot After Finish

After Installation Desktop is Loaded