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Saturday 27 November 2010

Before Installation of a PC


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Before Assembling.......... Know the components

Did you try to assemble a PC?

Ever wondered whether you can assemble a system on your own?
I could say for sure you couldn't have tried it as you think it is as hard as performing a Micro-processor involved lab experiment. Yez!!!  It iz!!
But just with connecting and disconnecting, it makes your world easy when you face any hardware problems with your Desktop.

You can try once for sure, if you are sure enough that it gets you some experience even if you lose some bucks.

Coming to the part of assembling a system, you have the following list of things you got to get ready with before proceeding.

  • Screw driver (both flat and star)
  • Obviously a table which is optional
  • A cutting plier to cut some pieces if required.
What about the parts of Computer
  • Monitor (LCD or CRT)
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Cabinet
  • two power cables
  • UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
Most Important Parts
 All these are to be fitted into the CPU (Central Processing Unit). And the main power supply is to be grounded to avoid short circuit damages.
The following are the pictures of the items required, that I have mentioned in the above list.

SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply):
 This is the device that supplies power to the whole CPU. While for some SMPS' s there is a slot given to connect to monitor also.

Hard Disk:
This is the present generation hard disk The SATA Hard drive - which operates in serial and thus named after it. These hard disks are lower in cost than the previous Parallel ATA hard drives. These hard disks have good data transfer rate.

The SATA Data cable that is given to you along with the Hard disk to connect to the hard disk. The terminals normally look like this. The one end of this cable fits into the data transfer cable of the hard disk and the other end goes to the sata connector on the mother board.

The connection of the hard disk to the SATA cable is generally shown as below

                                                                           SATA Cable

This is the motherboard which is called the HEART of the computer, where your calculations (2+1=?), 365*8658=? or what so ever are done through this motherboard. A processor is fit into this board into Socket A Connector.

Micro processor:
This is the brain of the CPU. All the calculations, and every process that is implemented in a computer undergoes the involvement of the microprocessor, generally called PROCESSOR. You have various types of processors depending upon your requirement like multimedia, software implementation, games, systems used for internet cafes, developing some application and so on. Each requirement comes up with one configuration in precise. But that much precision is not needed to be followed.

This chip is to be embedded into the Socket A Connector shown in the Motherboard picture very carefully, very very carefully.
Generally in any job, after improving your skillset, you will be habituated with the same work that you carry on. And so what you do later? The same work that you do daily which does not need any heating up of brains. But in a computer, you do the same work that you do daily, it needs to run its brain resulting in heating up of the processor. So it needs a coolant, that does not mean you put a coolant oil on that. There is a coolant device (heat sink) that blows air onto the processor which inturn cools the processor. You can find the coolant fan in th below picture. It is to be fitted with care.

Now you are familiar with something that runs your computer. Consider in your day to day life, What will be your routine from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed? you are going to do some things right!!!! if you do nothing daily, you are not considered a human.

So the daily routine will be done using your sub conscious mind since the total timetable is filed in your brain and all the routines will be done without any external input.

In the same manner, for maximum all the processes that are implemented in a computer, their temporary addresses are stored in the small cache memory called RAM (Random Accessible Memory). The more the memory is, the more number of processes you can perform flexibly.

CD/DVD Drive:
Do you have DVDs to watch a movie in a computer and dont have a player to play the movies??? LOL thats very pitying. Go get a SATA DVD RW that can play movies, create movie DVDs, Mp3s, games, and what not???? Everything with your PC.

UPS (Un interrupted Power Supply):
If there is no power cut in your area and there are regular check ups which mat result in 10 - 20 minutes of power cut, why not you go for a UPS that gives you a 20 minutes full of entertainment, and time to save documents that are yet to be completed. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) which gives power back up of some time that is depended upon the size of the monitor that you use.

MOUSE: One of the external devices that is of very interactive with the computer is the so-called mouse. It helps us to select teh optins we want.

Documentation, letter, spread sheets, what not? can you do that with out a QWERTY keyboard?

Ahh!!! Without a monitor, nothing is possible except running a server which is offline and only a gateway. Watch movies, play games, and everything.


This is required to manage some connections.



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