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Saturday 12 June 2010

How to Install Windows Xp


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Put the Windows Xp Bootable CD to The Drive
Restart the System

Enter BIOS Setup Utility with F2 Or Del
Change the Boot Device Priority to the CD Drive

Save the BIOS Setting with F10
Then System is Start Boot From CD

Your Screen will Shown Below

Press Any Key to Continue FOr Boot From CD

There Are 3 Options
1. For Setup Windows Xp Press Enter
2. For Repair With Recovery Console Press R
3. For Cancel Press F3

Here We Select 1st Option
             For Fresh Install

Accept Lisence Agreement
Press F8

For Repairing Existing Windows Xp Press R
Else Press Esc

Here We Press Esc

Partition Stage

Working carefully
Otherwise the data & Other Operating Systems are will lose

Screen Shows All Drives In Your Computer
We can Delete & Create Drives
For Delete a Partition Press D & For Confirm Deletion Press L

For Create Partitions Press C and Give the Size Of  Partition
Completing all partition
Select C partition
Press Enter

Here Select File System
We Select NTFS (Quick)

Formatting Is Progressing
After Formatting Copying Somme Installation And Driver Files to the Hard disk
After That
System will Reboot Automatically
After Rebooting System
Enter BIOS Setup Utility
Select First Boot Devive is Changed to Harddisk

Follow The Steps

Press Next Button

Enter Register Name of Yours & Organization

Enter Product Key Of Windows Xp

Select Time Zone

After 33 Min (Maximum TIme)
System Will Reboot
And Shows Your Desktop


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